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9 feet in toward the exact center.

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Q: Where is the center of an 18ft diameter pool?
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What is the circumference of a 18ft diameter pool?

Assuming the pool is a perfect circle, it is 18 x pi feet or about 56.55 feet.

How many gallons of water are in a 18ft by 52 inch deep pool?

Cannot be answered with only these measurements. For a rectangular pool, the length, width and depth are needed. For a round pool, the diameter and depth are needed.

What is the diameter of 18ft radius of a circle?

36 feet.

How do you set up an 18ft muskin pool?

Carefully ..... and as level as possible.

Muskin-How do you set up an 18ft round pool?

Carefully ..... and as level as possible.

If a circle is 18ft What is the circumference?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

How many gallons of water does a 18ft by 9ft by 52in pool have?

A pool this size can hold up to about 5,250 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water does it take to fill a round 18ft pool that is 52 inches deep?

shall assume the 18ft measurement is the diameter, not radius. 18ft = 5.486m = diameter 52in = 1.321m = depth pi x radius(squared) = area of the circle pi x 2.243(squared) = 15.8055 meters squared area x depth = volume in meters cubed 15.8055 x 1.321 = 20.879 meters cubed 1 meter cubed = 1000L 20.879 meters cubed = 20879L 20879L is: 5515.648 US Gallons 4592.738 UK Gallons

How much baking soda in 18ft pool for raising pH?

To raise the pH in an 18ft pool, you can start by adding 1.5 pounds of baking soda. Begin by sprinkling it around the pool perimeter and let it dissolve thoroughly before testing the pH again. Keep in mind that the exact amount needed may vary based on your pool's specific conditions.

What is linear foot of 18ft diameter circle?

A linear foot is the same as a foot. So, an 18-foot diameter circle would measure 18 linear feet in diameter!

How much water is in a 18ft round pool 48 deep?

It is unlikely that the pool is 48 feet deep but there is no indication as to what units the depth is measured in. Consequently it is not possible to answer the question.

What is the radius of an 18ft circumference pool?

since c of the pool is 18 then 2pieR = 18 /2 pieR=9 /pie R=9/pie the radius is 9/pie