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A center of mass (CM) of a boomerang, depending upon its particular shape and design, is not located on the device, itself. If you orient the boomerang so that it appears to form the letter V, its CM will be located directly over the vertex. The distance above the vertex will vary depending upon the boomerang's design. When you toss the boomerang, it will spin about its CM. You may be able to determine a boomerang's CM by doing the following: Suspend the device from a string. The CM will align with the string. Since the CM is also located directly above the vertex, the intersection of the line bisecting the vertex and the line extending downward from the string should locate the CM.

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Q: Where is the center of mass of a boomerang?
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What is the relationship between center of mass and mass distribution?

The center of mass is the point where an object's mass is considered to be concentrated. The mass distribution refers to how the mass is distributed within the object. The position of the center of mass depends on the mass distribution of the object.

Can the center of mass of a body lie where there is no mass absolutely and give an example.?

No, the center of mass of a body cannot lie where there is no mass. The center of mass is a point that represents the average position of all the mass in a system. In the absence of mass, there is no center of mass.

How do you maintain center of mass when mass is added?

The simplest answer is to add the mass at the center of mass. In that case, the total mass will increase, but not the center of mass. If the additional mass is not added at the center of mass, then it must be balanced with more mass at a location on the object that depends upon the object's shape. That's where things get complicated.

What is the distance from the center of earth to its center of mass?

The geometric center and the center of mass of the Earth are essentially the same point.

What is the main difference between center of mass and center of gravity?

The main difference is that center of mass refers to the average location of mass distribution in an object, while center of gravity refers to the point where the force of gravity can be considered to act on an object. In a uniform gravitational field, the center of mass and center of gravity coincide.

Can centre of mass of a body can exist at point where there is no mass of the object?

No, the center of mass of a body is a point where the entire mass of the body can be considered to be concentrated. If there is no mass at a point, the center of mass cannot exist at that point.

Is it necessary to have matter at the center of mass?

No, it is not necessary to have matter at the center of mass. The center of mass is a point in an object or system where its mass can be considered concentrated for certain calculations. The distribution of mass around the center of mass affects the stability and balance of the object or system.

What is the center of mass of an equilateral triangle?

Center of mass of an equilateral triangle is located at its geometric center (centroid).

How do you use the word boomerang in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.I threw the boomerang across the field.That is going to boomerang back on you.The boomerang was a weapon at one time.

Could the center of mass exist in a hole within the body?

Yes, the center of mass could potentially be located inside a hole within a body if the distribution of mass is such that the center of mass ends up there. The concept of center of mass is a point where the body's total mass can be considered to be concentrated, regardless of its physical shape.