In the decimal number system, the third place to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds place, and note that this is true even if you have not written in any actual decimal point. For example, one hundred is written as 100 with the digit 1 in the third place left of the decimal. We can imagine it as 100. but we would normally use the decimal only if there was an actual fraction involved. Money is a very good example of the use of decimal points. Let us say that your new coat costs $129.99 which means, one hundred and twenty nine dollars and ninety nine cents. Every number has a particular place, in relation to the decimal point. But even if the coat cost exactly $129 we know that we can still write in a decimal point, after the 9. That's where it goes.
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3 is the hundreds place in 365.
The hundreds place of 2,599,928 is in bold (9).
To find a number with 8 in the hundreds place, think about what the hundreds place means. In a number like 832, the hundreds place is the third digit from the right. So, if a number has 8 in the hundreds place, it looks like 8 _ _, where the _ _ can be any digits. For example, 832 has 8 in the hundreds place. Another example is 854, or 879. In each of these numbers, 8 is in the hundreds place. So, any number between 800 and 899 has an 8 in the hundreds place.
273 to the nearest hundreds place = 300
3,481 to the nearest hundreds place = 3,500
In the hundreds place is 5.
The 1 is in the hundreds place.
It is the hundreds place.
3 is the hundreds place in 365.
The 1 is in the hundreds place value.
what place hundreds is 8.275 between
The hundreds place of 2,599,928 is in bold (9).
To find a number with 8 in the hundreds place, think about what the hundreds place means. In a number like 832, the hundreds place is the third digit from the right. So, if a number has 8 in the hundreds place, it looks like 8 _ _, where the _ _ can be any digits. For example, 832 has 8 in the hundreds place. Another example is 854, or 879. In each of these numbers, 8 is in the hundreds place. So, any number between 800 and 899 has an 8 in the hundreds place.
2,292 when rounded to the hundreds place is 2,300
977 to the nearest hundreds place = 1,000
7,852 to the nearest hundreds place is 7,900
295 to the nearest hundreds place = 300