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The short hand is the hour hand. The longer hand is the minute hand. If there is a third hand, it is very thin and very fast. That would be the second hand.

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Q: Where is the minute hand on a watch?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of multi hand watch?

It is an analog watch that has more than one hand: possibly consisting of an hour hand, a minute hand, and a second hand.

Do all parts of the minute hand on a watch have the same angular displacement?

Yes, all parts of the minute hand on a watch have the same angular displacement because they are rigidly connected. This means that as the minute hand rotates around the center of the watch, every point on the hand moves through the same angle at the same time.

Is hand watch move clockwise?

Any watch hand, whether it be hour, minute, or second, always moves clockwise. In answer to your question: yes.

What is the third hand on a clock or watch called?

There are 3 hands. The second hand, the minute hand and the hour hand.

The second hand on a watch moves through a complete circle every minute The motion of the second hand on a watch is best described as?

Angular motion.

Why is the third hand on a watch called the second hand?

It is used to measure the number of seconds in a minute (60 seconds).

Why is the third hand on a watch called second hand?

It is used to measure the number of seconds in a minute (60 seconds).

Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?

The third hand on a watch is called the second hand because it counts the seconds in a minute. The first hand is the hour hand, the second hand is the minute hand, and the third hand is the second hand.

What motion is a second hand watch moves through a complete circle every minute?

That motion is called angular motion. The angular speed of the second hand is 2pi radians per minute.

Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?

Because it ticks off the seconds. The first hand ticks off the hours, and the minute hand ticks off the minutes.

In a watch the minute hand crosses the hour hand for the third time exactly after every 3 hrs 18 min 15 seconds of watch time What is the time gained or lost by this watch in one day?

13 min 50 sec lost

How do you read a watch?

To read a watch, simply look at the position of the watch hands. The hour hand indicates the hour, the minute hand shows the minutes, and sometimes there is a second hand that indicates the seconds. Some watches also have additional features such as date displays or chronographs that can be read by referring to the respective dials or buttons on the watch.