Most that I have seen are on the left side of the gun barrell near the bolt and trigger. Most that I have seen are on the left side of the gun barrell near the bolt and trigger.
About 1.0023 on the Richter Scale.
I have one of these with no serial number, I can only imagine it was made before yours was. Mine was manufactured between 1920 and 1929, and was recently appraised at $450.
Bijoy Serial No
Depends on year and how low the serial number is.
marlin 22 model 39A serial number Y6410
With the serial number provided,your Marlin .22cal rifle was made by Marlin in the year 1985.
Early firearms in .22 caliber were not required to have a serial number. Your Marlin 81 falls into this time frame.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Marlin model 780 was made in the year 1978.
Your marlin model 1897 22 was made in 1903.
No way of knowing unless you provide the model number of the Marlin rifle in question,along with the serial number.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Marlin model 781 was made in the year 1975.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Marlin model 1897 ,22cal rifle was made in the year 1898.
Your Marlin model 781 was produced in the year 1975 with the serial number that you provided.
By the serial number.Please include any Letters that may be ahead of the serial number of your Marlin.
By the serial number.