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The co-ordinates 0,0 point to a position in the Gulf of Guinea, off the south coast of Ghana, and the west coast of Gabon.

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Q: Where is the zero zero point on earth?
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At a point between the Earth and the Moon where the gravitational field strength is zero, the gravitational pull from the Earth and the Moon cancels out, resulting in a net force of zero. This point is known as the L1 Lagrange point, where the gravitational forces are balanced due to the interaction between the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Moon.

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Earth's gravitational force becomes zero at the point where the gravitational pull from the Earth is equal to the gravitational pull from another celestial body. This point is known as a Lagrange point, specifically L1, where the gravitational forces of Earth and the Sun cancel each other out.

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Zero. - But only because the Earth is the referance point against which everything else is measured.

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The gravitational potential at Earth's surface is considered to be zero as it is the reference point from which gravitational potential energy is measured. Any object at Earth's surface has the potential to fall due to gravity, and this potential energy is typically defined as zero at Earth's surface for convenience in calculations.

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Is the equator a line of latitude or longitude?

The equator is the line made up of every point on Earth at zero latitude.

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Fifteen hundred point zero zero zero. One five zero zero point zero zero zero. One thousand five hundred point zero zero zero.

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zero point zero nine three in (inch)

What latitude does the equator lie?

zero degrees because it is the ivisible line that lies in the exact point center of Earth's surface it is zero degrees latitidude.

Why the earth potential is considered as zero potential?

Earth potential is considered as zero potential because it serves as a reference point for electrical systems. By defining earth as zero potential, it allows for easier analysis and measurement of voltages in circuits. This simplifies the design and operation of electrical systems.