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The sphere chair is like a large ball and is generally quite comfortable to sit in. These chairs are generally available in a price-reduction outlet. They are also easily found on many websites.

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Q: Where may an individual buy a sphere chair?
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A lean back chair can be purchased online. Another place to buy a lean back chair would be your local furniture store. You may even get lucky enough to find one at your local Walmart.

What are the forces a chair will face?

A chair typically faces three main types of forces: compression force from an individual sitting on it, tension force on its joints and connections, and gravitational force pulling it downward. Additionally, there may be shear forces from movements or impacts that the chair experiences.

Where can one buy a cheap massaging chair in Toronto?

A local mall may have a furniture store that can provide you one or a lead to another source. A local medical supply company may also be a source for a lower price chair that works for specific ailments.

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The problem with this scenario is that it is extremely difficult to find an exact match to the broken chair leg so there could be some problems here. You may have to settle for something that looks close enough to what you have.

Should I buy a new computer chair?

It really depends how uncomfortable you are in the chair and how much you are willing to spend. If you really want to save a bit of money by just getting better padding, feel free to do so. Although padding a chair may not save you much money at all.

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Where could one purchase a cheap student chair?

You can buy cheap student chair several places. Look for sales at stores like Best Buy, Staples, or Office Max. You may find them at furniture stores when they have sales. Yard sales or places like craigslist might have them for a very cheap price.

What is the intersection of a line and a sphere is called?

Two points. These may coincide if the line is a tangent to the sphere.

Is a stockbroker a good place to buy stock?

A stockbroker can help individual investor buy stock but this may be a costly alternative. There are may online sites that allow individuals to purchase online with aid.

What causes a geri-chair to flip over backwards?

A geriatric chair, also known as a Geri chair may flip over backwards if they are not leveled out right with weight. By this I mean if the weight sitting in the chair is not leveled out forward to backward and the position of the chair placed where the persons feet level out their top body, the chair may flip over.

What is a chair called in Antarctica?

In general terms, a chair in Antarctica is called a chair -- in English. It may be known by another term in other languages.

What is meant to sitiing backwards on a chair?

It probably means to straddle a chair so that your knees or legs point behind the chair, and when you lean forward you may rest your arms on the back of the chair. Whereas sitting 'forward' on a chair would mean you sit on a chair like you normally would.