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Q: Where should the copy notation be placed in an attachment notation or an enclosure notation?
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What is an enclosure notation?

An enclosure notation is a line added to a business letter that indicates additional documents are included with the letter. It is typically placed below the signature line. This notation helps the recipient of the letter know to look for and review the additional documents.

When would an enclosure notation be used in a letter?

If you send something with the letter, the enclosure notation is used to alert the recipient to the fact that he/she should look for the additional items. Examples of enclosures could be copies of a contract, photographs, CDs or DVDs, etc. Rather than list each item, common enclosure notation is simply the number of additional items. A couple examples of common enclosure notation (for three enclosures) are: enclosures: 3 enclosures (3) If you wish to list the specific items, you could do so like this: enclosures: 3 1. photograph of cabin 2. copy of appraisal 3. business card (with contact information)

How do you write the decimal 0.384333 using the bar notation?

................................................................._0.384333 using the bar notation = 0.3843(the bar should be placed above the repeated decimal. In this case, it should be above the 2nd 3 from the decimal point.

How many of red fox should live in the same enclosure?

they don´t live in the same enclosure

Should the word enclosure be capitalized in a letter?

No. it's not necessary.

How should you send an unclassified report with an attachment to your supervisor?

The easiest way to accomplish this is to add the report as an attachment to the email. Add the attachment separately.

When preparing to send an unclassified report to your supervisor as an attachment what should you do?

To send an unclassified report to your supervisor as an attachment you should simply upload it in your email.

How come on roar you can not un lock a new enclosure?

You can unlock them. If you look for the cheat codes to unlock them with you can get them. When you've wrote the cheat code in and it says it gave you the enclosure, go on one of your animal enclosures then go out again, you should see the empty enclosure. =)

What is Enclosure notation?

The word birthday need not be capitalized, but if someone's birthday is, for example, February 6th then the month is capitalized. Birthday should be capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence. It will also be capitalized if it is a proper noun. An example would be if someone's name was Birthday Jones, that would be capitalized.

How should a slide be placed on the microscope?

It should be placed under the clips.