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Depends on where you are. In a house doorways are good places, under tables another. The point is not to get hit by falling objects. If you are out in the open head for the nearest space with no buildings or power lines, again to keep you from getting hit. Sit on the ground because you can be knocked over standing. Some of the people who lived in the Haiti quake found save spots under things, but still had to be dug out. I live in CA and have been through earthquakes all my life and very few have scared me. Once one hit when I was in the car at a red light. I stayed in the car because it seemed the most sensible thing to do. Think common sense.

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Q: Where should you go when there is an earthquake?
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Where in your house should you go if there is an earthquake?

You should drop, cover, and hold on wherever you are during an earthquake to protect yourself. Try to find a safe spot away from windows, mirrors, and heavy furniture that could potentially fall. If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with a pillow.

What should you do if you get in an earthquake?

you should go under a table ,go in the bathroom, or down in the basement.

What are the thing that you should do if there is an earthquake?

you should go under something hard

When did they rebuild Santa Ines after the earthquake?

The Santa Ines mission was rebuilt in 1817 after it was destroyed in an earthquake in 1812. The reconstruction efforts were completed in 1820, restoring the mission to its former glory.

What should you do When an earthquake hits?

Stand in a doorway, don't go outside

Why should you not go in an elevator during an earthquake?

It's safer to avoid elevators during an earthquake because they may malfunction or get stuck, trapping you inside. Additionally, if the power goes out during the earthquake, you could be left stranded in the elevator shaft. It is better to take the stairs if it is safe to do so during an earthquake.

What should people do if an earthquake happens when their outside?

If you are outdoors during an earthquake, move to an open space away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Drop to the ground, cover your head and neck, and hold on until the shaking stops. If you are in a vehicle, pull over to a safe location and stay inside until the shaking stops.

What are the first things you should do whenThere is an earthquake?

During an earthquake, the first things to do are to "Drop, Cover, and Hold On." Drop to your hands and knees, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. After the shaking stops, check for injuries and evacuate the building if it is deemed unsafe.

How do you get TM earthquake Pokemon platinum?

in the turn back cave go south of the third pillar the go west and it should be there

Where do you go after the earthquake on the Legend of Zelda?

There is no earthquake!

How can you be prepared for disasters like earthquake?

you should have some were to go that is outside under the ground and should have food and drinks and to always renew it.

What is 10 things that you should be ready for earthquake?

Create an emergency plan with your family on what to do during an earthquake. Have an emergency kit with essentials such as water, food, first aid supplies, and a flashlight. Secure heavy furniture and objects that could fall during shaking. Know how to turn off gas and electricity in your home. Stay informed by listening to emergency broadcasts and alerts. Identify safe spots in each room, such as under sturdy furniture or against interior walls. Practice "drop, cover, and hold on" drills with your family. Keep important documents, medications, and emergency contact information readily accessible. Have a meeting place designated outside your home in case of evacuation. Stay calm and be prepared for aftershocks.