

Best Answer

You could use a calculator or you could even just use the internet type in the question

and u might find the answer. okay but if ur in middle school some of the text book

have answers at the back u could copy those if ur the naughty one i don't but my friend

do if they don't understand something so there is nothing wrong if u copy bcuz u don't

understand okay thats all bye and hope it helped


Another answer:

I can think of two ways:

1). Work the exercises and find the answers yourself.

2). Go around asking other people to work them out and give you the answers.

The second one seems like a lot more time, effort, and trouble than the first one,

and plus with the second one, you wind up just as ignorant as you started out.

Here's something to remember. It may shock you: The teacher doesn't need the answers.

And if s/he did, s/he surely would not ask somebody who was just learning (maybe ? )

how to work them out.

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