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Q: Where was the dividing line between the two countries?
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What is a line dividing two places?

A dividing line between two places is usually called a border.

What is the dividing line between north and south?

A dividing line between two places is usually called a border.

What are the capitals of the countries whose shared border forms the dividing line between the continents of north and south America?

Panama, Belieze, and Washinlaville.are the latitude and the longitude for the sharing border.By Luaye Sharawy

Were is line between Europe and Aisa?

There is also a view as EurAsia is one continent and there is no dividing line between the two. In contrast if we look, the Ural Mountains in Russia could be a dividing line between Europe and Asia.

What was the dividing line called that divided Germany into two separate countries?

d Berlin wall

What does to share a border mean?

to have a common dividing line between two places

Where is the dividing line between north and south America?

The dividing line between North and South America is typically considered to be the Panama-Colombia border. This is where the narrowest point of the Americas, known as the Isthmus of Panama, connects the two continents.

What are two mountains between Europe and Asia?

The Urals form the main dividing line between the two continents, along with the Caucus mountains.

What is an ethnographic boundary?

An ethnographic boundary is the dividing line between two ethnic groups. This can be a physical or a theoretical boundary.

Where is the longest border dividing 2 countries?

The longest border dividing two countries is between Canada and the United States, stretching for about 5,525 miles (8,891 kilometers).

Where is the dividing line between east and west longitude?

There are two. They are the Greenwich Meridian and 180 degrees longitude, the originally defined International Date Line.

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