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It has been said that the 4th '9/11' plane was heading for the White House in Washington DC. Although it has never been proven that this is true.

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Morris Brekke

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Q: Where was the fourth 9 11 plane headed?
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Where was the fourth 9-11 plane headed?

It has been said that the 4th '9/11' plane was heading for the White House in Washington DC. Although it has never been proven that this is true.

Where did the fourth plane crashed in?

The fourth hijacked plane on 9/11, crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Where did the fourth plane crash 911 event?

The 4th 9/11 plane crashed in Stoneycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

How many people died in the fourth plane crash on 911?

everyone died on the fourth plane crash on 9/11. they were heading to the white house but civilians killed off most of the hijackers but they crash into the ground

Where did the fourth plane crash on 9-11?

Two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The third plane hit the Pentagon and a fourth plane was supposed to hit the White House or Capitol, but crashed in a Pennsylvanian field.

What happened to the 4th plane 9 11?

The fourth plane that was hijacked on 9-11 was United Airlines flight 93. Some of the passengers upon hearing the news of the other flights and suspecting their fate decided to fight back. In the struggle to retake the plane it crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania where everyone on board died.

What about the 3rd and 4th plane on 9 11?

The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. after the passengers tried to take back control of the plane from the hijackers.

When did the fourth plane depart on 911?

Flight 93 departed at 8:42 on 9/11, less than five minutes before the first attack.

When did the fourth plane depart 911?

Flight 93 departed at 8:42 on 9/11, less than five minutes before the first attack.

Did terrorists try to crash into the White House?

Possibly. The plane which crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11 was headed for DC, although it's generally believed that the capitol building was the intended target.

Where and when did the fourth plane depart from 911?

Flight 93 departed from Newark at 8:42 on 9/11, less than five minutes before the first attack.

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