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They were highly developed in the Moorish world by 800AD. It was introduced into Europe from Islamic Spain (Andalusia) in the early part of the 12th century. It was the most popular astronomical instrument until about 1650 when more specialized and accurate instruments such as the Sextant replaced it.

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Aj Sippy

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Q: Where were angles invented?
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Who invented angles?

a person

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ya mam

Why was the protractor invented?

The protractor was created by captain Joseph huddard

Who was the person who invented angles?

A guy called Bob Anipania from Italy

Why was the clinometer invented?

The clinometer was invented to accurately measure angles of elevation or inclination. It is commonly used in forestry, surveying, and engineering to determine slopes or vertical angles in various applications.

When was the clinometer invented?

The clinometer was invented in the early 19th century. It was first utilized by geologists and surveyors to measure angles of inclination and elevation in various applications.

Who invented measuring devices?

Louis Paul Cailletet invented the altimeter - measures vertical distance. John Huddart invented the protractor - measuring plane angles.

Who invented the clinometer?

The clinometer was invented by Leonard Digges, an English mathematician and surveyor, in the 16th century. He utilized it for measuring angles and determining heights.

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Nobody is responsible for the invention of scenery. Scenery is the view that is seen from different angles by a person.

Who invented England in 1066?

The name of England came from the Anglo-Saxons who named it Angles, as time passed vikings referred to Angles as Angland, followed by the Normans who start the origin of "England".

Inventor of clinometer?

The clinometer was invented by Leonard Digges, an English mathematician and surveyor, in the 16th century. Digges used the clinometer to measure vertical angles and slopes in various applications, such as astronomy and navigation.

Why was radians and gradians invented?

Gradians were most likely invented because right angles are 100 gradians which is easy to calculate and angles can be easily split in 2. Circle Proportions: 1 = 400ᵍ 1/2 = 200ᵍ 1/4 = 100ᵍ 1/8 = 50ᵍ 1/16 = 25ᵍ….