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None of them had been born yet.

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Q: Where were more than three quarters of the US navy's officers in 1860?
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People were slaves in the South around 1860.?

one out of three

_______ people were slaves in the South around 1860.?

one out of three

How many people wanted to be president in 1860?

There were three men who ran for president in 1860. There may have been others who wanted to be president buy only three ran. These three were; Abraham Lincoln, John Breckinridge, and John Bell.

Who were the first three governors of minnesota?

Henry Sibley (1858-1860)Alexander Ramsey (1860-1863)Henry Swift (1863-1864)

What was the approximate number of soldiers in the US Army when the US Civil War began?

At the end of the year 1860 the US Army had 16,215 men, officers and upper echelons included,

The three largest cities int the US in 1860?

New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore

What were the three top candidates for the Republican Party's 1860 presidential nomination?

The three top contenders for the 1860 presidential nomination for the Republican Party were William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase and Abraham Lincoln.

What are the three major periods of single-party domination?

1. Era of Democrats (1800-1860) 2. Era of Republicans (1860-1932) 3. Return of Democrats (1932-1968)

Who were Lincoln's three opponents in the 1860 Presidential race?

John BreckenridgeJohn BellStephen A. Douglas(OW)

What three countries controlled Florida between 1760 and 1860?

France,Spain,and England. Hope that helps.

Southern states began to secede following the election of 1860 because?

Lincoln vowed to outlaw slavery

When was election of 1860?

in 1860