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Q: Where were over 300 texan soldiers executed after surrenderring?
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Why did soldiers go over the top in the face of almost certain death?

All of the 306 soldiers in the war who were known to have refused to go over the top were courtmartialled and executed by firing squad. Also, the soldiers believed they were fighting for a just cause and for their country.

What happened at Alamo?

The Alamo, used to be a misson and was converted into a fort during the Texas Revolution. It was besieged and taken over by the Mexican Army. All 187 of the Texan soldiers were killed.

What was the result of the Mexican army's victory over Texan garrison at the Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

What was the result of the Mexican army's victory over the Texan garrison at Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

What was the results of the Mexican army's victory over the Texan garrison at the Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

What was the result of the Mexicans army's victory over the texan garrison at the Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

What was the result of the Mexicans army victory over the texan garrison at the Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

What wa the result of the Mexican army's victory over the Texan garrison at the Alamo?

The result of the Mexican victory was that fallen defenders became heroes to the cause of Texan independence.

How many men were shot for cowardist in world war 1?

About 150,000 soldiers deserted from the German Army, many of them fled to neutral countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland. Only 18 from those caught were executed. In WW2 10,000 deserters were shot.

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Why was the headless monument in legazpi headless?

The headless monument in Legazpi is supposed to serve as a reminder of the manner by which the Japanese soldiers executed the captured Filipinos, by beheading them. It also represents their victory over the Filipinos during the war. This is a curse upon a our nation and its people. Only God is victorious over our nation.

Is it true that no one over the age of 75 can be executed?

Its False.