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Q: Where were tables made first?
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What are tables made of?

Tables are made from wood or plastic.

How are wood tables made?

Tables can be made from any kind of wood. Most tables in homes are made of hardwoods, as they are more durable and last longer. Picnic tables are made of cedar or redwood if they are not pressure treated lumber.

Who was the king when the twelve tables were made?

They were completed in 449 BC and from then on used. The first Roman Emperor, not king since it was an Empire, was Augustus in 27BC. Thus at the time the 12 tables were made there was no Emperor and the Romans were still a republic.

What are tray tables typically made from?

Tray tables can be made from a variety of different materials. Some more expensive tables are made using zinc or copper, while cheaper varieties are typically made from wood or plastic.

What was the name of Rome's first written code of law?

the twelve tables

Computer Tables Made Easy?

When you are looking for the best computer tables, you will want to, first of all, make sure that it suits your comfort needs. Sit down and play around to ensure that it is ergonomic.

Where are fischer pool tables made?

I just called C. L. Bailey who makes Fischer tables at (417) 258-2300and they said that as of about June of 2010 their tables are made in China. Prior to that they were made in the USA.

What type of tables are considered to be outdoor tables?

"Outdoor tables are made of materials that can withstand the elements of the outdoors. Often you will find them made of vinyl, plastic, wicker, as well as metal."

What country made the 12 tables?

The Twelve Tables are ancient Roman laws that made public certain basic rights.

What are folding tables made of?

Most of the folding tables I have seen are made of metal. Folding tables are really great for birthday parties and large gatherings. You can get a nice tablecloth to put over them.

What are databases made of?

Schemas and Tables

What is the difference between sofa tables and coffee tables?

Sofa tables are usually smaller and made of plastic while coffee tables are usually wood. Coffee tables are better quality and are supposed to be eaten on.