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Karnataka, India or Saiberia, Russia

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Q: Where will you find 75 percent of Sandal wood in the world?
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How do you get sandal wood on sims 2 castaway?

you get a metal axe and you go to the volcano jungle and there are sandal wood trees there.

Are the sandal wood trees endangered?

Sandal wood trees are not endangered at the moment. They are found in less quantities. They are usually valued for their price and smell.

In the sims 2 castaway for ps2 what tree gives sandal wood?

A sandal wood tree, they can be found in; Volcano Jungle,Geyser Plains and Volcano Overlook. Hope this was helpful! =]

Which state mainly produced Sandal wood in India?


What is a zori?

A zori is a Japanese formal sandal made from rice straw or lacquered wood.

Where is sande wood in the sims2 castaway?

I don't know what sande wood is but I think you mean Sandal Wood. Its found only on the third island (Volcano Island).

What were the first ever shoes?

the first shoe was a sandal made out of flat pieces of wood and mats of grass

What where the ancient greek shoes made of?

Krepis, or Crepida was a type of sandal in ancient Greece.

How much wood product does the U.S. produce?

The United States is the world's leading producer and consumer of wood products, supplying 25 percent and consuming 30 percent.

What herb would you use to help you scry?

Sandal wood, as it is known to have astral projection stimulating properties are good for scrying.

Where would you find soft wood in the world?


What country exports the largest percentage of the world's wood pulp and lumber?

Canada is the country that exports the largest percentage of the world's wood pulp and lumber. Its vast forested areas and well-developed forestry industry contribute to its significant role in wood pulp and lumber exports globally.