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The Palmer Raids

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Q: Which 1920 event resulted in the deportation of over 500 suspected anarchists and leftists?
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What resulted immigrants being forced to leave areas they settled in?

Bisbee deportation, Emma Goldman's deportation, Palmer raids.

Which event resulted in the execution of four anarchists and the decline of the knights labor?

Haymarket Riot of 1886

Was Norway neutral during holocaust?

No, Norway was invaded in April 1940 which resulted in the deportation of Nowegian Jews.

The movement of 1919-1920 spawned by fear of Bolshevik revolution that resulted in the arrest and deportation of many political radicals?

red scare

Cases involving suspected terrorists would have what type of jurisdiction?

Unless it resulted in a military tribunal, such a case would first be tried in a US District Court.

What was Hiltler's final Solution?

The Final Solution refers to Hitler's intention to eliminate the Jews from Europe, which for a while involved four deportation plans which was eventually discarded and then became mass killings of Jews which resulted in the final solution becoming the mean the mass murder of Jews in Europe.

What was the result of the US campaign against President รrbenz?

According to Wikipedia, Arbenz's agrarian reforms in Guatemala ran afoul of the United Fruit Company. That and his suspected Communist ties resulted in the US aiding a coup d'etat to remove him as president.

What is correct resulted in or resulted to?

Resulted in. For example, "His drinking problem resulted in his arrest."

Who was found guilty of arson in Jane Eyre?

In "Jane Eyre," Grace Poole was found guilty of arson after setting fire to Mr. Rochester's bed. She was initially suspected of causing the fire at Thornfield Hall, which nearly resulted in Mr. Rochester's death.

What led Malcolm x to being silenced for 90 days?

He was supposedly silenced for his statement regarding JFK but he suspected it was because of his shocking discovery of his mentor and religious leader Elijah Muhammad was having several affairs within the Islam community which some resulted in children.

What does case resulted programmatically mean?

Case resulted programmatcally

Is 'resuled' a word?

No, 'resuled' is not a word. The correct form is 'resulted.'