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Q: Which 3 branches of mathematics studies originated in India?
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What were the three branches of mathematical studies originated in India?

Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus

How many branches of sbi in india?

In India there are no of branches

Which philosophy originated in China and India?

Buddhism originated in India, while Confucianism and Taoism originated in China.

Which foreign bank has highest branches in India?

This is something that cannot be exactly calculated because almost all banks keep opening newer branches in major cities. If you take the four major cities of India (The Metro Cities) - Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, they have numerous branches of all possible banks that are operational in India. These 4 cities individually probably have more branches than the rest of their states.

Where is hinduisum originated?

Hinduism was originated in India.

Where does Hinduism originated?


How many branches does icici bank have in India?

There are 2,035 branches across India.

How many reserve banks in India?

branches of reserve bank in India

How many branch of bank of India have in maharashtra?

Bank of India has 667 branches in the State of Maharashtra in India. Out of these Mumbai alone has 97 branches. Pune has 29 branches. There are numerous other cities where bank of india has branches.

Which bank has highest branches outside India?

SBI has many branches outside india..State bank of india

How many branches have sbi in India?

it has 11000 branches and 6 associate banks in india.

How many Allahabad Bank branches in India?

In 2006 there was 2165 branches of Allahabad bank in India