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Q: Which European capital has more than 1000 bridges?
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Brussels is the capital of the European Union.Some EU institutions are in other cities.Brussels is technically bi-lingual, French and Flemish, though more people there speak French than Flemish.

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Yerevan is the capital of the Republic of Armenia, with a population of 1,200,000. Although it is mostly is Asia, Yerevan and Armenia are more commonly referred to as European.

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Why beam bridges were built?

Beam Bridges were built to make longer and more durable bridges.

Why were ancient Rome bridges made?

Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.Ancient Roman bridges were made for the same reason we make bridges today---to cross a river or any other geographical feature more easily.

Are arch bridges better that beam bridges?

arch bridges can support more weight than beam bridges but for price i say beam won.

What Asian capital has used more than 1000 air raid shelters below it to create a massive underground city?


How much bridges are there in Amsterdam?

there are a little bit more than 1300 bridges in Amsterdam.

What is Moscow?

Moscow is a capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe with more than 10 million population and an area of 1000 sq. kilometers.

Did Islamic capital cities lag behind most European cities?

It depends on the time period. From 650-1250, Islamic cities were generally more advanced and developed than European cities. From 1650-onwards, European cities were usually more developed than Islamic cities. There are exceptions, but this is the general trend.