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Q: Which Hellenistic inventor and mathematician experiment with levers created machine for raising and transporting water and determine formulas for calculating the surface area and volume of a sphere?
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Is cooking oil a dependent or independent variable?

Well, it depends on your experiment. If you're adjusting the amount of cooking oil before an experiment, it's an independent variable. If you're calculating how much there is after the experiment, it would be a dependent variable.

What is the definition and example of direct measurement?

direct measurement is when you get the answer to your data straight from the experiment rather than calculating numbers in order to receive your answer in the end.

When calculating the probability of a single trial experiment with a compound event why is it necessary to subtract?

It is not necessary. Sometimes, though, it is easier to find the probability of the complement and subtract that probability from 1.

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What is it called when a scientist makes a mistake and does the experiment again?

Trial and error is when someone tries something and it doesn't work (the error) so they try again (a new trial) and again until they get the experiment right or get the results they want.Scientists usually think through all possible options, to minimize error. If the results don't come up even with any way of checking, then they know something is wrong. It is highly unlikely, and usually doesn't happen. The more important the experiment, the more time the scientist will spend calculating, and recalculating the possible ways the experiment can occur, or have problems.

Source of error in a reflection experiment?

One common source of error in a reflection experiment is not positioning the mirror or reflective surface perfectly perpendicular to the incident light source, resulting in an inaccurate angle of reflection. This can lead to errors in measuring the angle of reflection and calculating reflection properties like the law of reflection. Regular calibration and ensuring proper alignment can help minimize this error.

What experiments prove that solids occupy space?

One experiment that proves solids occupy space is measuring the volume of a solid using displacement method. By placing the solid in a container with water and measuring the change in water level, you can determine the volume of the solid. Another experiment involves using a caliper to measure the dimensions of a solid and then calculating its volume using the formula for the volume of a solid object.

When do you end your experiment?

Life is an experiment. When you die, that experiment is over.

What was Ben Franklin experiment?

The kite experiment was a scientific experiment

What is an example of method?

a labatory experiment, a natural experiment, a field experiment

What is an example of experimentation?

a labatory experiment, a natural experiment, a field experiment

What part of speech is to experiment?

To experiment is a verb. An experiment would be a noun.