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Q: Which Italian mathematician and astromer was forebidden by authorities?
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Which Italian mathematician and astronomer was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas?

Galileo Galiili was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas.

Which Italian mathematician and astronomer was forbidden by authorities to teach the ideas?

Galileo Galilei was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas.

Which Italian mathematician astronomer was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas?

Galileo Galiili was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas.

What Italian mathematician and astronomer was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas?

Galileo Galilei was the Italian mathematician and astronomer who was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas, particularly his advocacy for heliocentrism, which stated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, disproving the geocentric model. This conflict between Galileo and the Catholic Church led to his trial and house arrest for the remainder of his life.

Which Italian mathematician and astronomer was forbidden by the authorities to teach his ideas?

Galileo Galilei was the Italian mathematician and astronomer who was forbidden by the authorities to teach his ideas. His support for the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which stated that the Earth revolved around the Sun, was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Galileo's works were placed on the Index of Forbidden Books and he was placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.

Which Italian mathematician and astronmer was forbidden by authorities to teach his ideas?

Galileo. He taught that the earth revolves around the sun which is true but authorities felt the earth was the center of the universe because God created it, so the sun must revolve around the earth.

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