22. The spot Yen/US$ exchange rate is Yen119.795/US$ and the one year forward rate is Yen114.571/US$. If the annual interest rate on dollar CDs is 6%, what would you expect the annual interest rate to be on Yen CDs?
It is: 95% = 19/20 in its lowest terms
It is normally higher than the US prime interest rate.
The obesity rate in the United States in the 1970s was about 14 percent. In 2000, it had risen to 29 percent. In 2012, the rate was 35 percent.
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, New Hampshire has the lowest rate of welfare dependency in the United States. This is often attributed to the state's low unemployment rate and strong economy.
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The United States has the highest obesity rate world wide. It is estimated that at least one third of all adults are overweight.
Mississippi with about 31% of the population obese. The lowest is Colorado with about 18% of the population obese.
It has gained in the past years
My guesses are: obesity automobiles
No, it has one of the highest.....
what is the lowest point of elevation in the United States
The lowest sales tax rate in the US is that found in states that have no sales tax at all. These states are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon. However, purchases in these states may still be subject to local sales tax depending on the community.
Las Vegas.