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building of nuclear weapons

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Q: Which activity consumed most of the Pentagon's budget between 1981 and 1985?
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What is flexible budget?

Fixed or Static buget is for a particular activity level. Flexible budget is for a range of activity level. Differentiate between Fixed and Flexible budget ? Needs a complete answer.

What is the difference between a rolling budget and a flexible budget?

Here are the differences between the two: Flexible Budget-A flexible budget is a budget that adjusts or flexes for changes in the volume of activity. The flexible budget is more sophisticated and useful than a static budget, which remains at one amount regardless of the volume of activity. Rolling Budget-Method in which a budget established at the beginning of an accounting period is continually amended to reflect variances that arise due to changing circumstances. Hope this helps!

What is a budget which is prepared for one level of activity?

a budget which is prepared for one level of activity is:

What was the Production Budget for Paranormal Activity 2?

The Production Budget for Paranormal Activity 2 was $3,000,000.

What was the Production Budget for Paranormal Activity 4?

The Production Budget for Paranormal Activity 4 was $5,000,000.

What is a budget that is prepared for one level of activity?

The budget that is prepared for one level of activity is known as a static budget. A static budget is often one of many other budgets that are created off of a master budget.

What was the Production Budget for Paranormal Activity 3?

The Production Budget for Back to the Future Part III was $40,000,000.

What is the difference between a budget and a financial report?

The main difference is, budget is a planned activity to meet the targets whereas financial report is the one which shows the health/wealth of the organization.

A budget that is based on the actual activity of a period is known as?


What is rigid budget?

Rigid Budget: It does not change with actual volume of activity achieved. Thus it is known as a Rigid or inflexible budget.

What is the difference between activity based budgeting and traditional budgeting?

The activity based budgeting will give a percentage of the budget to the sections that are the most used. Traditional just splits it all up evenly.