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Q: Which advantage of reproduction does the graph show?
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What advantage of reproduction does the graph show?

line graph

What is an advantage of a bar graph?

The bar graph is best suited to show the frequency of categorical data, like how many of a type of cookie is sold, or how many girls and how many boys get good grades.

What is the main advantage of reproduction?

there is no real advantage. you just have sex.

What is the main advantage of sexual reproduction?

The main advantage of sexual reproduction is genetic diversity. This allows offspring to inherit a unique combination of genes from two parents, potentially increasing their chances of survival in changing environments and providing a wider range of characteristics for natural selection to act upon.

What type of graph would be used to track weather on insect reproduction?

There are a great number of kinds of graphs that could be used to track weather on insect reproduction. One is a bar graph.

How a bar graph and a line graph alike?

they both show in crease but a line graph may show decrease

What is the advantage to sexual reproduction?

Creating Children.

What does a graph not do?

A graph does not cook your meals when you are hungry! A graph does not show causation.

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Explain the advantage and disadvantage of circle graph

What does a graph show?

a graph can show the amuont of time or the political voye a graph can be summed up as a chart used to record information

What is the difference between a picture graph and a bar graph?

a picture graph uses pictures to show the point and bar graph use bar lines to show the point.

Can you show me the timeline graph?

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