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Q: Which agent of socialization is the most complex having both positive and negative elements?
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You connect positive to positive and negative to negative. It's quite complex really.

Is the square root a real number?

The square roots of any positive real number are a positive and a negative real number. The square roots of any negative real number are a positive and a negative imaginary number. The square roots of any imaginary number or any complex number are two complex numbers.

Blood positive or negative sol?

Blood type can be positive (+) or negative (-) based on the presence or absence of the Rh factor. A person with Rh factor is considered Rh positive, while a person without it is considered Rh negative. Blood type, on the other hand, refers to the ABO system (A, B, AB, O).

Can you square an integer and get a negative number?

No. The square of a positive number is positive; the square of a negative number is also positive; and the square of zero is zero. If you want to square a number and get a negative result, you need complex numbers. For example, the square of 2i is -4.

What is the square root of negative 62?

If you have not studied complex numbers, then the answer is as follows:The rules of multiplication for real numbers are thata positive times a positive is a positive, anda negative times a negative is a negative.[Also, 0 times 0 is 0].The upshot of all that is the square is never negative. And so, the answer is that there is no real number whose square is -62.If you have studied complex numbers then you should not be asking such basic questions! Still, the square roots of -62 are the complex pair ±7.874i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.

What are Positive and negative affects of sexual reproductions?

Positive - increased variation in a species Negative - energetically costly, must find sexual mates, need more complex reproductive systems

What happens if you divide one third?

dividing by one third is the same as multiplying by three

What were the most significant positive and negative effects of the agricultural transition on human society?

Positive, extra food and more complex structures through society, Negative, hard labor, long hour, low wages.

What are positive square roots called?

They are called real numbers. Negative square roots must be complex numbers.

What are the positive and negative of science and technology?

the positive thing about science and tech is that you learn new things that make life and other things more fun/ creative the negative thing is that it makes it more complex and confusing and they have their downfalls

What is a father complex?

A father complex is a psychological term used to describe a man's feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, or admiration towards his father figure. It can lead to difficulties in personal relationships and an over-reliance on the approval of authority figures.