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It is abs(54 - 7*n) or |54 - 7*n|

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Q: Which algebra expression represents the different of fifty-four and seven times a mumber?
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It is simply a variable - it represents a number which can take different values.

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In mathematics, the expression x7 typically represents the product of x and 7, while 7x represents the product of 7 and x. In general, the order of terms in a multiplication expression does not change the result. However, in algebra, the order of terms can be important when simplifying or solving equations.

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The question should be what is the variable in the following expression? (n + 5) The answer: (n) represents the variable. See: Variable(English definition) then look up the Math/Algebra definition.

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A term is a single part of an expression or of an equation in algebra.

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Algebra refers to the part of mathematics where numbers in formulae and equations are represented by letters. In 45 + X, X represents a number.

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whats the problem?????

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