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yes perpendicular lines are at right angles to each other. Therefore they have to touch eventually

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Q: Which angle will perpendicular lines on the same plane ever touch?
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Will perpendicular lines on the the same plane ever touch?

Yes, two perpendicular coplanar lines will touch. If you have two lines that, by definition, form a 90 degree angle (i.e., they are perpendicular) and are both on the same plane, eventually they must cross at some point on that plane. They will have exactly one point in common. If, however, the lines were, by definition, "perpendicular skew" lines, they would never cross because the definition forbids it.

Which phrase describes perpendicular lines the lines never touch or the lines intersect at a right angle or the lines intersect at an acute angle or the lines intersect at a obtuse angle?

Lines that intersect at right angles.

Will perpendicular lines on the same ever touch?

no because Perpendicular is a 90 degree angle and 90 degrees have no slant or anything they will always be parallel

What is differences between parallelism and perpendicularity?

Parallelism refers to lines that are always the same distance apart and will never intersect, while perpendicularity refers to lines that intersect at a 90-degree angle. In essence, parallel lines run in the same direction and will never meet, whereas perpendicular lines intersect at a right angle.

Will a perpendicular line on the same plane ever touch?


What angle is called where the two lines all most touch but they don't?

If the lines almost touch but they don't then there is no angle. There is no name for an angle that does not exist.

How are intersecting lines alike to perpendicular lines?

Oh, dude, intersecting lines and perpendicular lines are like distant cousins at a family reunion. They both meet up at some point, but perpendicular lines are the ones standing straight and proper, while intersecting lines are just casually crossing paths like, "Hey, what's up?" So yeah, they both intersect, but perpendicular lines are the ones that are all about that right angle life.

How you check if two lines are parall?

Parallel is lines that never touch so if the lines never touch it is parallel but if so then it is perpendicular.

Meaning of the different kinds of lines?

They are: -skew lines -parallel lines -intersecting lines -straight lines -zigzag lines -dotted lines -solid lines -curved lines -perpendicular lines

Will Perpendicular lines ever touch?

Yes at 90 degrees.

Will perpendicular lines on theplane same ever touc?

Perpendicular lines intersect each other at 90 degrees but parallel lines never touch each other

Can parallel lines form an angle?

no, its in the definition of parallel lines. they never touch and therefore can never form an angle.