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Q: Which are the 53 colonies of the UK?
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More than 53!

Which country had the fewest colonies in Africa?

In terms of number of Colonies, UK. In terms of area, France. In terms of population, UK. In terms of land that wasn't barren deserts, UK.

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53 pence but it changes quite often!

What year was a 53 plate made?

A 53 plate in the UK corresponds to vehicles registered between September 2003 and February 2004.

Why is French and French culture used outside of France?

The same reason the UK is not the only English-speaking country: colonies, colonies, COLONIES!!!

Does Russia have colonies?

Russia never had colonies. We have no colonies at current time (But Great Britain have now - The king of GB is the head of UK, Canada, Australia and some other colonies)

What was Britain's relationship with colonies in Africa and Asia?

It varied between colonies. Some colonies (such as Southern Rhodesia) were self-governing. Some colonies (such as Swaziland) were directly controlled by the UK. Parts of India were controlled directly by the UK, while others were internally self-governing. It depended on colony.

What time is it in Denver CO when it is 9PM in England .?

Actually it is currently 8 PM in UK. 8:53 to be exact it would be 1:53 your time.

Why was it important for France to recognize the colonies independence?

It wasn't so much a matter of importance. France and the UK were perennial enemies for centuries. It suited France to punish the UK by depriving it of the 13 colonies.

How did the UK stay strong after losing the colonies?

It didn't. The loss of the colonies after World War 2 was the start of the decline of Britain.

What are the release dates for Spacing Out - 2012 UK's Last Batch of UFO Files Released 1-53?

Spacing Out - 2012 UK's Last Batch of UFO Files Released 1-53 was released on: USA: 28 June 2013

Which country had the most colonies in Africa in 1993?

There were no colonies in Africa in 1993. The last Colony became independent in 1980. (Rhodesia, UK)