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Q: Which are the two bronsted-lowry acids in NH3 plus H2ONH4 plus plus OH-?
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What is the net ionic equation for ammonia plus hydrocyanic acid?

NH4OH + HC2H3O2 ---> NH4C2H3O2 + H2ONH4+ + OH- + H+ + C2H3O2- ---> NH4+ + C2H3O2- + H2OOH- (aq) + H+ (aq)---> H2O (l)

Which of the following is an example of a Lewis base out of H3O NH3 BF3 H plus?

NH3 is an example of a Lewis base as it can donate a pair of electrons to form a bond with a Lewis acid. Lewis bases are electron pair donors, while Lewis acids are electron pair acceptors.

What acids make ammonia acidic?

Ammonium ions: NH3 + H+ --> NH4+

What is self condensation of amino acids?

Self-condensation of amino acids refers to a reaction where an amino acid reacts with itself to form a peptide bond, resulting in the formation of a cyclic structure known as a diketopiperazine. This process can occur when two amino acid molecules are in close proximity and the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another, leading to the formation of a peptide bond and subsequent cyclization.

What is the answer to this equation NH3 plus NO2 --- N20 plus H2O?

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction NH3 + NO2 -> N2O + H2O is: 4 NH3 + 4 NO2 -> 3 N2O + 6 H2O

What is a strong acid NaOH HF NH3 HCl?

HCl is a strong acid, while NaOH, HF, and NH3 are not strong acids. NaOH is a strong base, HF is a weak acid, and NH3 is a weak base.

How is ammonia produced in cells?

Ammonia is produced in cells primarily as a byproduct of amino acid metabolism. Amino acids undergo deamination, a process in which the amino group is removed to produce ammonia. This ammonia can then be incorporated into other cellular processes or converted into less toxic compounds for excretion.

what are the names of the acids that are in household ammonia?

Household ammonia contains the chemical compound ammonia (NH3), which is a weak base, not an acid.

What is nitrogen plus nitrogen make?

ammonia, NH3

What is nitrogen plus hydrogen?

Nitrogen plus hydrogen can react to form ammonia (NH3) through a process called nitrogen fixation. This reaction is important because ammonia is a key component in fertilizers and plays a critical role in the nitrogen cycle.

What is the ionic equation for HNO3 plus Nh3--NH4NO3?

The ionic equation for the reaction between nitric acid (HNO3) and ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is: H+ + NH3 --> NH4+ NO3- + NH4+ --> NH4NO3

What will the deamination of amino acids produce?

The deamination of amino acids produces ammonia (NH3) and a keto acid. This process is important for the removal of excess nitrogen from the body, which can be toxic if levels become too high.