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Q: Which area of the mathematics do you think led aryabhata to conclude that is a sphere?
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Square cube circle is to?

If this is an analogy, the answer would be sphere.

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Use who for this sentence.

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I Think You Get The Yellow sphere and jump on that.

Is it true that if you are good at mathematics and you enjoy mathematics and think very logically you can do programming?

I think so because my brother in law is computer scientist and he says that if you are good at mathematics so programming will be easy to learn for you.

What can you do with an armillary sphere?

An armillary sphere is a device for studying the rotation of the earth and other astronomical bodies (i think lol)

What 3-d shape is a football?

A basketball is in a spherical shape.

What solid figure is a bongo I think a cone?

I think a sphere I am thinking it is a cylinder.

What is the vertices of a spere?

I don't think a sphere has vertices.

Is an ellipse half of a sphere?

Think so...........

How many face and corner does a sphere have?

A sphere has a single face, one surface. A sphere has no corners. Or if you want to think about it from another perspective - a sphere has an infinity number of sides allowing for the curved surface.

What educational background require to become an astronomy?

mathematics, specialist mathematics, physics, (geography?) I think they are the main ones.

Did people really think of the Earth as a sphere and black holes?
