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Q: Which artists use more than one medium and also what paintings or artwork consist of two or more mediums?
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What has The Bible?

The Bible has the history of the Hebrew people, the warnings of the prophets, the prophecies of the bible and in the new testament the teaching of Jesus.

Can all wavelengths of light travel at the same velocity in certain mediums?

Yes, all wavelengths of light have the same velocity in every medium. In fact, all types of electromagentic radiation travel at the same speed in a given medium.

Where in the bible does it say god did not approve of astrology?

II Chronicles 33:6 "He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination, practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger." Most astrologers would liken themselves to a medium or spiritist, as they seek information that is not known on the earth. Deuteronomy 18:10&11 "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead." Most astrologers would admit to divination and definitely would admit to interpretting omens. II Kings 5:6 "He made his son pass through the fire, practiced witchcraft and used divination, and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD provoking Him to anger." As you see, each time spiritists or mediums or divination is used it "provokes God to anger".

What are the negative and positive of media?

positive : convenient negative : some mediums, like internet, are addictive. without the media we would not know anything about the swine flu epedemic or entertainment. The media consists of the radio, TV, newspaper, internet, etc... The media provides info. on world occurring events. Sometimes from sports all the way to a new song from a new artist

Does a beam of light have a constant speed?

Light travels at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. However, as light travels through different mediums, it slows down depending on the medium. The crazy thing about light though, is that if it leaves a medium and starts travelling back through a vacuum, it once again goes 299,792,458 meters per second.

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What mediums are used in chuck close's work?

His colorful paintings

What was Mark Rothko mediums?

Mark Rothko primarily used oil paint on canvas for his artwork. He often applied thin layers of paint to create his signature abstract, color field paintings that featured large, rectangular shapes with soft edges.

What kind of working mediums did Raphael do?

he used oil on wood

What techniques did Van Eyck use?

Mediums, like oil paintings and naturalistic panel pictures.

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Marie Laurencin primarily used oil paints on canvas for her artwork. She was known for her delicate, pastel-colored paintings that often depicted dreamy, ethereal figures and scenes. Additionally, she also worked in watercolor, drawing, and printmaking.

What mediums does Vladimir kush use in his work?

Vladimir Kush's surreal paintings' are very famous. The medium he used mostly too make his paintings was oil on canvas. He also has some paintings with gilcee on Canvas.

Who are famous Brazilian artists?

Brazilian artists cover a diverse range of mediums. Famous artists include Brigida Baltar, Francisco Brennand, Jose Pancetti, Silvia Poloto and Vik Muniz.

What mediums did Jacques-Louis David use for his paintings?

Jacques-Louis David was influenced by the artist Caravaggio. He was a painter in the era of the Neoclassical period of art history. His specialty was history paintings. He also completed a number of privately commissioned portraits.

What mediums did Lois mailou Jones use?

Lois Mailou Jones primarily worked in mediums such as oil painting, watercolor, and printmaking. She was known for her vibrant and colorful artwork that often featured themes of African and Caribbean culture.

What are Leonardo da Vinci's paintings made of?

Da Vinci mixed his own oil paints and mediums and painted on wooden panels.

What are mediums of the art?

The mediums of the visual arts are: paintings (contemporary, oil, figurative, landscape, modern, traditional, abstract, acrylic, watercolor etc.), sculpture, ceramics, Photography, mixed media, digital art, installation art, video art.

What is a painting medium?

A painting medium is the type of material which the artists uses to create the painting. Some painting mediums are oil, acrylic, and watercolor.