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The Industrial Revolution. One example: The threshing machine, invented by Andrew Meikle in 1784, displaced hand threshing with a flail, a laborious job that took about one-quarter of agricultural labour.

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Q: Which best explains why the number of hours to produce 100 bushels of wheat dropped from 373 to 233 between 1800 and 1840?
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How many bushels of wheat did Kansas produce in 2011?

276.5 million bushels.

How many bushels of corn did Nebraska produce in 2009?

1,575,300,000 bushels, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

With your 3000 acres how many bushels of corn will you be able to produce in one harvest?

You should achieve 183 bushels per acre, therefore 549,000 bushels for 3000 acres

If it takes 8 acres to produce fifty bushels of wheat how many acres will it take to produce at least twenty bushels of wheat?

3.2 acres. 8/50 = 3.2/20

What grain did new Mexico produce 3.3 million bushels of in 1918?

Nothing, according to the USDA. The closest is corn at 3.705 million bushels.

How many bushels of corn does North Carolina produce per year?


How many gallons of ethanol will 183 bushels of corn produce?

About 500 gallons.

How many bushels of corn does the US produce each year?

It varies from year to year, of course, but recent averages are 12.5 to 13 billion bushels per year.

How much corn does Wisconsin Produce?

It varies from year to year, of course, but Wisconsin farmers annually produce about 450 million bushels of corn each year. Over the last six years, it ranges from a low of 394 million bushels to a high of 518 million bushels.

Does Delaware produce wheat?

Yes, Over 200 million bushels per year

What state grows a billion and half bushels of corn every year?

Iowa, Illinois, and in most years, Nebraska all produce a billion and a half bushels or more of corn.

Does Arkansas produce more bushels of soybean corn or wheat?

Arkansas produces more soybeans.