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Q: Which book begins with one minute the teacher was talking about the civil war and the next minute he was gone?
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What is an adjective that begins with c and describes the civil war?

civil, duhhh

A civil war term that begins with y?

Yellow Tavern (Virginia) was the scene of a battle during the Civil War. It begins with the letter Y.

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Was Captain America in the Civil War?

**Spoiler Alert** Assuming you're talking about the Marvel Civil War and not the U.S. Civil War yes he was lol. He begins the undergound resistance which opposes Tony Stark's forces. In the midst of the final battle he has a revelation in which he realizes he is fighting against what the people he has always fought for are asking. He surrenders an is taken into custody.

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Do teacher have civil rights to give kids homework?

Yes. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for civil rights so that teacher could give kids homework.

Why was the Civil War Called Civil?

A Civil war in general is a war between one country. If you went to another country and were talking about the civil war they probably would think you were talking about their civil war. The correct term is The United States Civil War.

What is a word that is related to the civil war begins with Z?

zoom lense

Civil rights word that begins with Y?

Yankee, the Union soldiers.

What Civil War word begins with the letter x?

Xavier Blanchard Debray was a Confederate General during the Civil War.

What civil word begins with letter D?

Dranesville, Virginia was the scene of a Civil War battle. Jefferson Davis was the Confederate President during the Civil War.

What contienets where in the Civil War?

we need to know which civil war you are talking about The United States Civil War was on the continent of North America