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It is algebra that represents numbers by letters which are called variables.

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Q: Which branch of mathematics are numbers represented by letters?
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What is branch of mathematics where unknown numbers can be represented by letters?

algebra? The unknown numbers of which you speak are called variables. "algebra" oxford dictionary definition = investigation of properties of numbers using letters etc as general symbolsAll branches of mathematics have the opportunity to utilize letters instead of numbers. This is called a variable and they are found in every branch of mathematics.

A branch of mathematics that use letters to represent numbers called what?

It is algebra that uses letters to represent numbers and also Roman numerals.

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What is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals?

Algebra is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals. Algebra is an extremely important foundation of every branch of mathematics.

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A branch of mathematics in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set

The branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals?


The branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in places of numerals?


What is a branch in mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of numerals?


What is the branch of mathematics that uses letters called variables in place of a numeral?

Algebra uses letters called variables

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Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics that deals with numbers. This includes simple operations that occur between numbers, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.