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Q: Which capital letters are parallel?
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What capital letters appears to have parallel lines Is it D or L or N or it is T?

It is the capital letter N that has vertical parallel lines.

What capital letters have parallel and perpendicular lines?

E F and H

What capital letters has parallel lines?

E, F, H, M, N, W all have parallel lines.

Which letters have paralel lines?

The capital letters of: W E F H Z N and M all have parallel lines

What three capital letters can be made by two parallel lines and one perpendicular line?

H, I, and F

What capital letters have parallel lines?

Capital letters that have parallel lines include "H," "I," and "E." These letters have horizontal lines that are parallel to each other. The letter "H" has two parallel horizontal lines, the letter "I" has one, and the letter "E" has three parallel lines.

What capital letters have parallel line segments?

E , f , h , i, Z, U, , N

Which letter have parllel line?

Capital letters of: E F H Z N and M all have parallel lines

When was Parallel Processing Letters created?

Parallel Processing Letters was created in 1991.

How many capital letters have parallel lines?

It depends on the font used, but 8 letters of the Latin alphabet have parallel lines:B D E F H M N ZWith some fonts, you can add R and I

What countries have 4 letters and 4 letters in the capital?

Fiji has four letters and its capital, Suva has four letters. :) Peru; capital is Lima Togo; capital is Lomé

How many capital letters are in the preamble?

16 capital letters