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Q: Which circumstances would be appropriate to remove outlying data points from analysis?
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How do you do trimmed mean on Microsoft Excel?

You use the TRIMMEAN function. It calculates the mean taken by leaving out a percentage of data points from the top and bottom of your set of data. You can use this function when you wish to exclude outlying data from your analysis.

When did Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points begin?

Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), were imposed in 1996

What is H.A.C.C.P.?

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

When was the Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points rule instituted?

The Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points rule was instituted in 1996

What is the TRIMMEAN function for in Excel?

TRIMMEAN calculates the mean taken by excluding a percentage of data points from the top and bottom ends of a data set. You can use this function when you wish to exclude outlying data from your analysis. =TRIMMEAN(array, percent) Array is the array or range of values to trim and average. Percent is the fractional number of data points to exclude from the calculation. For example, if percent = 0.2, 4 points are trimmed from a data set of 20 points (20 x 0.2): 2 from the top and 2 from the bottom of the set. It does not matter what order your values are entered in. It will remove some of the highest and some of the lowest.

What the letters HACCP Stan for?

Hazard analysis of critical control points

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By looking at a story's turning points

What do you mean by mean vector in statistics?

The direction in which the trend analysis points.

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They make points in space related to each other. Now they are connected in the problem, instead of just points on the graph.

Four key points of competent communication?

Situation informs the approach. Appropriate for individuals. Appropriate for the task. Competent communication is hoest.

What is the difference between discuss and analysis?

A discussion reflects on the overall themes and ideas of subject. During analysis, the general concepts are broken down into smaller points and examined one by one. This can include agreeing or refuting the basis of the points.