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  • In Germany: Hamburg, late July/early August 1943 - about 45,000 - 50,000 killed. Dresden, February 1945 - a huge range of figures is given, but serious scholars generally claim that about 30,000 were killed. Some small places such as Darmstadt, Heilbronn and Pforzheim may have suffered an even higher proportion of the population killed.
In all these raids there was no attempt at all to hit military targets.
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Q: Which cities suffered most from the bombing in World War 2?
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no cities were evacuated. Children living is some cities - especially (east) London were

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There were no such camps in Norway during the war, neither did Norway suffer from heavy bombing during ww2. Particulary the east suffered minimal damages, but the western-most had some problems with british bombing.

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Many were bombed in one amount or another. London, Coventry Portsmouth & Plymouth were the most seriously affected. However this does not compare, except in the case of London, with the amount of bombing suffered later in the war against German centres of population.

What city world wide had the most death from bombing during World War 2?

I do not have the exact figures, but, I think they are ranked in this order: 1) Tokyo, Japan suffered the worst. 2) Dresden, Germany. 3) Hiroshima, Japan 4) Nagasaki, Japan. I am very sure that is the correct list of the cities that suffered the most from aircraft bombers in WWII. Of course, a lot of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who did not die directly from the bomb attacks, would later die from the long term effects of radiation.

Is Germany still affected by World War 2 today?

Many parts of Germany were completely or majoritarily destroyed by Allied Bombing Raids or the invasion forces in 1944 and 1945. Most notably, Dresden was firebombed a such strong way that it has been described by some as an Allied War Crime. Of course, the Allied Bombing Raids were a result of the German-caused World War 2, but German civilians and cities still suffered.

What world war had the bombing of japan?

Most notably, World War II.

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The families of those killed in the war suffered the most.

Which country suffered from casualties in World War 2?

Chile and Saudi Arabia suffered the most.

Which woman had suffered most for her family in the world?

Monoara Sultana

What was the worst bombing in world?

Please define what you mean by worst. The most deadly.

Which country suffered the most casualities in world war 1?

Of the Allied Powers, Russia suffered the most military deaths, with 2,254,369 total. Of the Central Powers, the German Empire suffered the most military deaths, with 2,037,000 total.

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