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Q: Which city would probably have a warmer climate one at 20⁰N or one at 40⁰S?
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Which city would probably have warmer climate one at 20 degrees N or one at 40 degrees S and why?

20 is closer to the equator so it is warmer.

Which city would probably have a warmer climate one at 20 degrees N or one at 40 degrees?

20 Degrees N.

What city would probably have a warmer climate one at 20 degrees north or one at 40 degrees south and why?

40 degrees south because it is closer to the equator, and the equator is where there is warmer climates

Which city would probably have a warmer climate one at 20 degrees north or one at 40 degrees south?

A city at 20 degrees north would probably have a warmer climate compared to a city at 40 degrees south. This is because locations near the equator (0 degrees) generally experience warmer temperatures due to the more direct angle of the sun's rays, while locations closer to the poles have colder climates.

How would the climate of a coastal city differ from that of a city at the same latitude locator farther in land?

The climate of an inland city would differ from that of a coastal city, even if located at the same latitude. The coastal climate is cooler and damper, while those inland are warmer and drier.

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farther inland :)

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It depends on the season.

What city would probably have a warmer climate one at 60 degrees north or one at 10 degrees south and why?

The city located at 10 degrees south latitude would be warmer than the other. This is due to the amount of sunlight each city receives. The city located at 10 degrees south latitude will receive more sunlight as it is located near the equator, and sunlight is the most concentrated near the equator as it is located almost overhead, and thus is warmer. However, the city located at 60 degrees north latitude would receive less and more spread out sunlight due to the tight angle that sunlight is shining, thus it would have a cooler climate.

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Lagos has a much warmer climate as it is closer to the Equator

Which city would have warmer climate one at 20north or one at 40 south?

Latitude is not the only determinant. Altitude also makes a difference.

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La Paz, as it is on the coast - unlike Mexico City, which is in the middle of the Central Mexican Plateau - and it is located on a desert climate.