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Q: Which class of standpipe system provides 2 inch hose connections?
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The Indian system that places a person in a certain class at birth is the system?

The Indian system that places a person in a certain class at birth is the Caste System. The caste system is a social class system.

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Yes there was a class system in the 1600s and even today there is a class system, the government files you into a class for taxes today though.

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A Class 2 circuit is the portion of the wiring system between the load side of a Class 2 power source and the connected equipment. Due to its power limitations, a Class 2 circuit considers safety from a fire initiation standpoint and provides acceptable protection from electric shock.

What is interdisciplinary connections in humanities class?

Quit trying to get other people to do your homework! Its in your book!!

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The ability of a person to enter a different social class within his or her lifetime

How does the British education system reflect social class?

The British education system reflects social class through factors such as access to quality schools, resources, and opportunities. Children from higher social classes often attend private schools that offer better facilities and connections, giving them an advantage in academic and career success. Additionally, social class can impact the level of parental involvement and support in a child's education.

Does Italy have a class system?

Italy does have a class system. The class system of Italy includes bourgeoisie, white collar middle class, urban petit bourgeoisie, rural petit bourgeoisie, urban working class and rural working class.