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Q: Which components of ECG are normally measured along the isoelectric line?
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What components of the ECG are normally measured along the isoelectric line?

st segments

The vertical axis of the ecg paper measures?

EKG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis, of EKG graph paper and where to measure the components of the EKG wave form.

Do you use sin on x or y components?

If I understand the question correctly, it is about the component of a vector along the axes, with the angle measured from the positive direction of the x-axis. If so, sin is used on the y-component.

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No it is measured from the edge

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What is the height in cm?

It is the distance, measured in the vertical direction, using centimetres as the unit of measurement. The vertical direction in a book is normally taken to be the direction from the bottom of the page to the top. Otherwise it is taken to be along the radius of the earth at that location.

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Proton normally exist in nucleus. Along with it are neutrons.

When a function is graphed is the dependent variable usually measured along the x-axis?

When a function is graphed, the dependent variable is usually measured along the y-axis. This is because y is the function of x.

When a function is graphed the dependent variable is usually measured along the x-axis.?

When a function is graphed, the dependent variable is usually measured along the y-axis. This is because y is the function of x.

Do you measure your penis with your testicles?

No, it is measured along the top from where it starts to the tip.

What is a Longitudinal wave caused by vibration?

Longitudinal waves are waves that are produced by disturbance that is parallel to that of the direction of wave or oscillations produced along the path of the wave. The longitudinal waves consist of areas of comressions, the center of which is in a crest, and areas of rarefactions, the center of which is in a trough. Crest in a transverse wave is the part of wave at the maximum above the isoelectric line (midline) and trough is the minimum below the isoelectric line. The example of longitudinal waves is sound waves.

What physical quantities are measured along the axes of a position-time graph?

The x-axis of a position-time graph typically measures time, while the y-axis measures position or distance. These quantities can be used to determine an object's motion and speed over time.