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Q: Which control validator confirms that the user enter the constant value of 9.0?
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How do you validate your websites CSS?

You can validate your CSS by using CSS Validator. You just enter your websites address and it will tell you if there are any errors or not.

What type of control is a danger do not enter sign?

Avoidance Control/Elimination

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What Each keys can be used to confirm cell entries except esc or tab?

The tab key and esc key gets the user out of an application. The enter key is the key that confirms entries.

What does control enter do on word proccesor 2007?


How does word insert page breaks?

Control and Enter key

What do you do in the bad control room on spy island?

Get past the lasers to the transporter control. Type in the three passcodes, one at a time: laser (enter), hair (enter), removal (enter). Director D turns out to be one of the Bald And Dangerous (B.A.D.) guys.

IN Excel Why control enter when just enter works?

Control Enter can do a few special things. It will stay in the same cell after you've pressed it instead of moving to another cell. This can be useful if you keep wanting to change the value in the same cell. A really good thing it can do is enter data into multiple cells. If you select a group of cells and type something into the active cell and then press Control Enter, it will enter what you type into the selected cells. You can use that to put the same value into a load of cells at once. You can also use it to enter formulas that you would normally enter into one cell and then copy to the other cells.

Why do you need a visa to enter another country?

Every country has the right to control who is allowed to enter their country and who isn't. A visa is basically permission from the country's government to enter.

How do you enter bad control center in poptropica?

Dodge all of the lasers.

How is it then that the total energy is not constant in an open system?

"Open system" means that energy may enter the system or escape from it.

What is the code to stop the satellite on spy island?

To get into the BAD control center, you must rescue the three kidnapped spies (in order) and get the Fingerprint from the BAD bigwig at the Bistro. Once you can see the lasers, you can get through them, enter the control center, and use the three passwords : Laser (enter) Hair (enter) Removal (enter). (see the related questions)