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Q: Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?
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What correlation coefficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?

both are inter related. an Intellectual always have the creativity and viceversa So the in betwenn the range -1 to +1 ... my heart goes to +1

Which correlation co efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?


What is the difference between intelligence and creativity?

intelligance is what you know.Now creativity is like your inagination or what you can make or do.

The average IQ testing for age 15?

The average IQ testing for age 15 is around 100, which is considered to be within the normal range. However, it's important to note that IQ scores are not the sole measure of intelligence and should be interpreted with caution. Other factors such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills also contribute to overall intelligence.

In order to be creative one must have a high IQ?

According to the most cited research, after one obtains an IQ of 120 there is no longer a positive correlation between IQ and creativity. Meaning that one must have an IQ of at least 120 to display exceptional creative accomplishment according to most scholars. It also means that after an IQ of 120, Intelligence no longer impacts in determining exceptional creativity in a person. However, if you are talking about artistic ability then you can be exceptionally talented if you have an IQ below 120. The "120 IQ rule" applies to accomplishments in the domains of science, mathematics, arguably English, and other subjects that are typically associated with scholarship in the world of academics; it does not strictly apply to disciplines such as acting, dancing, music etc. Hope that helps.

Related questions

What correlation coefficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?

both are inter related. an Intellectual always have the creativity and viceversa So the in betwenn the range -1 to +1 ... my heart goes to +1

Which correlation co efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence?


Does one's creativity illustrate anything about his or her thinking process or level of intelligence?

Creativity can be influenced by one's thinking process and intelligence level, as it involves the ability to think divergently, make connections, and think outside the box. However, intelligence and creativity are not the same, as creativity is more about originality and imagination, while intelligence is broader and encompasses various cognitive abilities.

What is the difference between intelligence and creativity?

intelligance is what you know.Now creativity is like your inagination or what you can make or do.

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Who is gifted and talented?

if you have above average intelligence, creativity, and commitment to learning.

What is the relationship between creativity and curriculum?

the curriculum is the guide by which teachers determine what will be presented to children. Creativity is fostered according to how the curriculum is presented to the child.

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Discuss the relationship between creativity,innovation and entrepreneurship

What has the author Lois S Goldberg written?

Lois S Goldberg has written: 'Personality integration as a determinant in the relationship between creativity and intelligence' -- subject(s): Personality, Intellect, Creative ability in children

What has the author Will Sayer Moffatt written?

Will Sayer Moffatt has written books on a variety of topics, including "The Mating Game," a book on human relationships and behavior, and "The Creativity Code," which explores the relationship between artificial intelligence and creativity.

What are the eight skills of related intelligence?

The eight skills of related intelligence are linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence. These skills reflect an individual's abilities in various areas such as language, reasoning, creativity, and understanding oneself and others.

What has the author Viola Roberta Sierra written?

Viola Roberta Sierra has written: 'An investigation of the relationship of ethnicity and sex to intelligence and certain dimensions of creativity' -- subject(s): Ethnopsychology, Creative ability, Sex differences (Psychology), Intellect