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Q: Which country more use the abacus?
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Which country invented the abacus?

China invented the abacus .

Which country is using the abacus?

"Answer"The abacus was created 3000Bc ago by the chinese.

What country abacus invented?

the country that invented the abacus is China Actually it is unknown as the abacus seems to predate recorded history and different versions were independently invented in various places.

How do you use the word abacus in a sentence?

well here is the answer ! :)Some people use the abacus to solve some mathematical calculations

Which country made the first abacus?

The answer is China.

Which country did the abacus originated form?


How prominent is abacus math these days?

Abacus math is not prominent at all these days. They no longer teach it in the schools and it seems to be a dying form of math. It is more common in Europe however is not prominent in either country.

What are the advantages of the abacus?

One of the advantages of the abacus is that it is easy to use. Another is that it does not require electricity to work. You can use it no matter where you are.

How do you use abacus whiz abacus host-Emulator-1?

for example , 122marisbman

From what country does the abacus come from?

the answer is Greece or from the Middle East.

What did they use before calculators?

The Abacus

Are the abacus and the Chinese calculator the same thing?

An abacus is an ancient Chinese calculator that is still in use today.