

Which cube will more quickly?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Which cube will more quickly?
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Does a larger surface area makes diffusion happen more quickly?

yes. Lets for example take a potato cube put in a jar of water. if the potato cube has a large surface area, then more of its surface will be exposed to water molecules, meaning that more can diffuse into it more quickly.

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if it was a cube ice it wil melt slower and if its long slab will melt faster:)

Would a single sugar cube or an equal mass of graduated sugar crystals react more quickly in a chemical reaction?

The same mass of sugar crystals would react more quickly in a chemical reaction compared to a single sugar cube. This is because the increased surface area of the sugar crystals allows for more efficient contact with the reactants, leading to a faster reaction rate.

Which would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals?

In a chemical reaction it is likely that a single cube will react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals. This is due to the fact that the surface area of a single cube is much smaller than the total surface area of the sugar crystals. The larger surface area of the sugar crystals increases the amount of time it takes for the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction.The following points explain why a single cube would react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals: A single cube has a much smaller surface area than an equal mass of sugar crystals. The smaller surface area of the single cube allows the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction more quickly. The larger surface area of the sugar crystals increases the amount of time it takes for the reactants to reach the surface and begin the reaction.In conclusion it is likely that a single cube will react more quickly than an equal mass of sugar crystals due to the larger surface area of the sugar crystals.

What would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single cube or an equal mass of granulated sugar crystals?

Granulated sugar crystals would react more quickly in a chemical reaction compared to a single cube, as the smaller surface area of the cube would limit the interactions between the reacting substances. The granulated sugar crystals have more exposed surface area, allowing for faster reactions.

Do a sugar cube dissolve in cold coffee?

Yes, just not as quickly

What would react more quickly in a chemical reaction a single sugar cube or an equal mass of sugar crystals?

Granulated sugar. With a sugar cube, only the sugar on the six faces of the cube can react; the sugar WITHIN the cube is surrounded only by other sugar molecules. Ground-up, or "granulated" sugar has thousands of faces, so it can all react at once.

Is a cube a polygon usually have more sides or more angles?

A cube is not a polygon.

How many square faces has a cuboid?

At most two. Any more and it is a cube, not a cuboid.At most two. Any more and it is a cube, not a cuboid.At most two. Any more and it is a cube, not a cuboid.At most two. Any more and it is a cube, not a cuboid.

Which has more atoms small cube or big cube?

The answer depends on what the substance is. A small solid cube will usually have more atoms than a larger cube filled with a gas.

What happens when you drop a sugar cube into a hot mug of tea?

using diffusion what might happen when you drop a sugar cube into a mug of tea. For the sugar cube ,since the sugar cube is source, the molecules will diffuse into the hot water the sugar cube will despair

How could a sugar cube be dissolved more quickly in water?

Crushing the sugar cube into smaller pieces or increasing the water temperature can help dissolve the sugar more quickly. Stirring or agitating the solution can also speed up the process by increasing the contact between the sugar and water molecules.