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Negative correlation which is downhill from left to right occurs when one quantity increases while the other quantity decreases.

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Q: Which data will most likely show a negative correlation when graphed on a scatterplot?
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Which variables are most likely to have a negative correlation?

A negative correlation occurs when, as one variable increases, the other variable decreases. Some variables that might have a negative correlation would be: indoor heating use and temperature outside. As the temperature outside decreases, the amount of heating used will increase.

Which pair of variables is most likely to have a negative correlation?

Average winter temperature and the cost of heating the house

When you observe data that consistently increases or decreases in response to a variable you?

are likely observing a direct relationship, where the two variables move in the same direction. This can suggest a positive correlation if they increase together or a negative correlation if they move in opposite directions.

How does school influence the religious faith of a teenager?

A:There is a consistent negative correlation between the level of education and religious belief. The more highly educated a person is, the more likely he or she is to become an atheist. This correlation applies even for children who go to religious schools or who receive religious instruction.

Can we use the concept of price elasticity to identify a brand's competitors?

Yes, you can. When the cross-price elasticity between two goods is positive, they are more likely substitutes in consumption; when it is negative, they are more likely complements. A cross-price elasticity of 0 implies no correlation.

Example sentence using the word correlation?

There is a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer, as studies have shown that individuals who smoke are more likely to develop the disease.

What does correlation of data mean?

Correlation of data means that two different variables are linked in some way. This might be positive correlation, which means one goes up as the other goes up (for instance, people who are heavier tend to be taller) or negative correlation, which means one goes up as the other goes down (for instance, people who are older tend to play video games less often). Correlation just means a link. It means that knowing one variable (a person is really tall) is enough to make a guess at the other one (that person is probably also pretty heavy). Note that there is a very common mistake people make about correlation, and this needs to be addressed. In short, the mistake is "correlation implies causation". It doesn't. If I have data which shows people who volunteer more often tend to be happier, I cannot then say "volunteer. It makes you happy!" because correlation doesn't imply causation - it might be that if you're happy you're more likely to volunteer, and the causation is the other way around. Or it might be that if you're rich, you're both more likely to be happy, and more likely to volunteer, so the data is affected by a different variable entirely.

Can be qualitative data graphed?

It can be graphed but it likely should NOT be graphed. Most qualitative research is based on very small sample sizes of unrepresentative people. It is not intended to reflect a larger population of people. Once you start graphing their information, it makes the data look far more quantitative and precise than it really is. Qualitative information should focus more on insights and hypotheses than charts and tables.

What is the correlation between smarts and niceness?

Smart is someone that knows a lot. Niceness is someone that is friendly to others. -------------------- Is someone smart more likely to be nice? Is someone nice more likely to be smart? Good questions! My hunch is that if there is a correlation, it would be a weak one.

What is the reason behind when the value of beta is taken negative?

The negative sign in beta represents the inverse relationship between the return on an asset and the return on the overall market. A negative beta suggests that the asset tends to move in the opposite direction of the market, indicating that it is likely to perform well when the market declines and vice versa. This negative correlation can be valuable for diversification purposes in a portfolio.

A negative correlation was found between weight and distance walked. Would you conclude that walking causes lower weight and can you think of an alternate explanation for the findings?

Negative correlation implies an inverse relationship between a person's weight and the amount of distance that they walk (say on an average day). So you can conclude that heavier people are more likely to walk less. Lighter people are more likely to walk more.Remember though that correlation does not always equate to causation. What this means in practical terms is that walking more does not necessarily mean you'll lose weight. Conversely, walking less does not necessarily mean that you'll gain weight. Or thinking of it another way, losing weight will not necessarily cause you to walk more and gaining weight will not necessarily cause you to walk less.

What does it mean when a positive correlation coefficient between the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X indicates?

It means that the two variables are likely dependent. The higher the number of the positive correlation the stronger the connection.