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Q: Which datatype would you use if you were storing both numbers and letters?
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Is it possible to be dyslexic with words but not letters and numbers?

Yes. Individual letters and numbers can be easily recognized by someone who would have difficulty decoding entire words.

A telephone number would be stored in a field in a database?

You can save it in NUMERIC or varchar datatype.

What kind of URL would you need for Tumblr?

you would need a URL that contains numbers letters and dashes

Why are letters used in algebra?

it is easier to substitute them for letters because if we used numbers then constants (numbers in algebra that don't have letters) would get mixed up with the algebraic letters. also makes things easier to read and to understand. also, if you don't have all the information, you can use letters to represent what you don't know

What is the difference between char and varchar data types?

The CHAR datatype uses a fixed length, where as the VARCHAR datatype can be variable in length up to the maximum value specified for the length. If you insert "Hello" into a CHAR(10) field, the column would actually contain "Hello " with 5 trailing spaces. The same value inserted in a VARCHAR(10) field would contain "Hello". char datatype is fixed length data type and it store maximum 255 characters while varchardatatype store up to 4000 character of variable length datatype

What is it if you cant see letters or numbers?

Most likely, dyslexia. It is when a dyslexic person looks at numbers or letters and they can not see them as a regular person would. They look at the number or letter and all they see is squiggles or drawings.

How many letters would be needed to write all the numbers in words from 1 to 1000?


What is called a secret way of writing?

A code is a secret way of writing. A simple code, for example, would be to use the numbers 1-26 as they correspond to the letters of the alphabet, and then write words with the numbers instead of letters.

What is a good Password for twitter?

a good password would be one that you can remember. a strong password should consist of numbers, letters and some capital letters to make it hard. for example take the word "answer" your password could be "Answer345" which includes capital letter, letters and numbers :)

How do you write 21 in Hebrew?

Hebrew generally uses the same numbers as everyone else. But you can use Hebrew letters to represent numbers. 21 would be כא

How many words is 20000 characters with spaces?

That would depend on which words you use (as they have different numbers of letters).