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The Spring and Autumn equinoxes: around 20 March and 22 September. See link for more details.

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Q: Which day is the day and night are equal in hours?
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Related questions

What is length of the day in a autumnal equinox?

During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

What is it called when day time hours and night time hours are equal?

An Equinox.

What things are equal during an equinox?

Day and night hours.

At the autumn equinox are the hours of the day and night equal?


What happens on a solstice?

A solstice is when day and night have an equal time, 12 hours in the day, and 12 hours at night. There is also a chance for a solar eclipse during solstices.

How many days does one and one fourth equal?

There are 24 hours in a day/night. Therefore 1 1/4th is equal to 1 day and 6 hours or 24 + 6 = 30 hours.

What term has the exact opposite meaning to solstice?

"Solstice" refers to a day that has the maximum difference between day and night - either the longest day or the shortest day. The opposite would be the "equinox", which is when the day hours equal the night hours.

What is the duration of Day Night Day Night?

A day is 12 hoursA night is 12 hours

What is the difference in time between day and night during an equinox?

In the Spring and Fall equinox, night and day have the same number of hours. Equi = equal.

Why is there equal hours of day and night in Malaysia?

There are not - it is that the difference is smaller. And that is because the country is nearer the equator.

A period of time when the day time hours are equal to the number of night time hours is called a?

A period of time when the day time hours are equal to the number of night time hours is called an equinox. This occurs twice a year, in spring and autumn, when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun.

How would day and night be different if earth's axis were not titled?

The hours of darkness and daylight would be equal.