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Q: Which decade was the 50's and 60 known as?
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Salute to the '50s The Reunion of the Decade - 1996 TV was released on: USA: 8 June 1996

If Niall could perform in any other decade what would it be?

The 50s

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a decade is 10 years half a decade is 5 years a year has 12 months 5 * 12 = 60 half a decade has 60 months 60

What was best selling car in 1950s?

The best selling car overall throughout the 50s was Chevrolet. The did not outsell second place Ford every year but overall in the decade of the 50s they were number one.

What decade became known as the Me Decade?

The 1970's.

In which decade did the bikini first become popular-50s 60s or 70s?

The bikini became popular in France in the 40s, but hit the US big-time in the 60s, turning into the staple beach-wear as it is today60s

How many seconds are there in a decade and solution?

(1 decade) x (10 year/decade) x (365.24 day/year) x (24 hr/day) x (60 min/hr) x (60 sec/min) =315,567,360 sec/decade

Which decade is known as the anti-fashion decade?

Early '90s

How many seconds are in one decade?

There are 315,360,000 seconds in a decade. This is calculated as 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365.25 days in a year, and a decade being 10 years.

What is sb2w surprise night 2011?

well, every term is a different decade. they have already done 50s and 70s, but i dont know besides that.

How many decade in 60 years?

6 decades

What are the weather conditions in Tulsa oklahoma?

Mid 50s 40-60 average temp.