No, 8.5 is not greater than 9. In the decimal number system, the placement of the decimal point is crucial in determining the value of a number. When comparing two numbers with the same whole number part, the number with the greater decimal part is larger. In this case, 9 is a whole number, while 8.5 is a decimal number less than 9.
The reciprocal of 11 is 1/11, which has a decimal representation of 0.090909..... [the 09 repeats forever].The reciprocal of 9 is 1/9, which has a decimal representation 0.11111... [the 1 repeats forever]
Decimal point
.09 cause to move the decimal you either times by 100 or divdie when u times it moves the decimal to the left and when you divide it it moves two spots to the right
.65>.09 0.65, because if you took the decimal away and all numbers to the right of it, you'd be left with 09 and 65. Well, which one is greater now? ;)
.9 is greater. Look at the first number after the decimal point -if it is greater, the number is greater. if the number is the same, go to the next decimal point; if it is greater, the number is greater; etc.
No. Because .9 is 9 tenths.
Yes, 5.99 is greater than 5.9. When comparing two numbers with the same whole number part, the number with more decimal places is greater. In this case, 5.99 has two decimal places, while 5.9 has only one decimal place. Therefore, 5.99 is greater than 5.9.
No, 8.5 is not greater than 9. In the decimal number system, the placement of the decimal point is crucial in determining the value of a number. When comparing two numbers with the same whole number part, the number with the greater decimal part is larger. In this case, 9 is a whole number, while 8.5 is a decimal number less than 9.
Simply divide 9 by 100. 9/100 = .09
9/22 is equal to 0.4090909 (09 repeating).